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Who Are You Voting For?

Writer's picture: Professor PrideProfessor Pride

Who are you voting for? I’m not asking if you’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris or 34-time convicted felon Donald Trump. I’m asking who you’re voting FOR.

Over the past three months, our show has dedicated most of our time to explaining major new stories, unseen from major news networks. We’ve taken time away from our regular LGBTQ education videos because we feel that our rights and freedoms are on the ballot this election in the U.S.

That’s why am asking who you’re voting for. I’ve made it no secret that I’m voting for more than just myself. I’m voting for my marriage with my beautiful husband because Donald Trump has threatened to take it away. I’m voting for my trans and gender-nonconforming friends who have stood up for my rights for generations because Donald Trump has tried to take their rights away thousands of times.

I’m voting for women and all Americans to have the right to make healthcare decisions over their own bodies between their family and their healthcare provider, without government intervention because Trump has set us back 50 years.

I’m voting for members of the military so they don’t have to go to war because just days before leaving office, Donald Trump instructed the military to make an unprovoked offensive attack against China just so we would blame World War 3 on his successor, Joe Biden. I'm voting for our military personnel who bravely serve our country because if they don't come back alive, I want them to have a president who honors their sacrifice. Not one who makes their grave a photo op or calls them suckers and losers.

I'm voting for our allies so we can continue to support Ukraine, Israel, and NATO in defending themselves from violent terrorist regimes. I’m voting for my kids someday and future generations so they aren’t forced to conform to a certain religion because Trump has already mandated kids in some states to be Christian. And I’m voting for our Republic so it survives and we can have democratically elected leaders without causing a civil war.

Voting is such an amazing freedom and right that some of you will experience for the first time this year. But it means so much more than just voting for yourself or the person with the best catchphrase or slogan.

For the past few months, we’ve seen support for both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in our comments. Many of you have shared why you’re voting a certain way. And while it's unlikely that no other news outlet or channel will share with you the important facts, we wanted to take the opportunity to share what we’ve learned over the past three months in our final report before Election Day, next Tuesday.

We’ve learned from our analytics that many of the supporters Donald Trump has are over 65 years old, which means eventually the flame of hate will fizzle away someday soon.

In our meetings, behind-the-scenes we can only describe the demographics we’ve seen from those who support either candidate as a race between two polar opposites. It’s between your best friend who may not be perfect on every issue but will go to the ends of the Earth to help you and defend you no matter what. And your racist, old grandfather who your family has to invite to Thanksgiving dinner but no one but the crazies in your family talk to him because he rambles on for hours and tells you how much better it was for him when women and minorities had no rights.

It was only after we put this description on both audiences that we finally understood how each side acts. While thousands of you have checked our sources linked in the description of each episode, all that hard work providing facts and evidence fell on deaf ears to the other side.

What may shock many of you is that I consider myself to be a fiscal conservative because I’m concerned about our increasing national debt but our party has become infected with a disease that has changed everyday life. We’ve become more hateful of our neighbors and more selfish than ever.

It’s not because Covid had us all locked up for months, but because one man in the highest position of power in the world, showed half of us that it was okay to be racist, homophobic, sexist, greedy, and hateful out in the open. What they’ve called cancel culture used to put a conscience in their head to silence or at least dampen that hatred. But if the president can be hateful, so can you.

Many of his supporters have commented that they understand the danger in voting for Donald Trump. We’ve spent weeks showing you how he stole hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers during his time in office. He’s stolen millions from Hurricane Helene and Milton victims. He’s mandated kids in Oklahoma read his Bible. He’s promised to deport anyone in the country who’s not a Christian Nationalist.

He’s promised to end social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and overtime pay. Not to mention he’s sexually assaulted women, been called a pedophile for being on Jeffrey Epstein’s island and continues to rent Epstein’s plane for his campaign.

But his supporters know all of this. You might have found yourself wondering like we did, how does this guy get away with so many crimes? How does he, of all people, get away with doing and saying anything he wants with no consequences? But the answer is simple.

The most shocking and disturbing truth we’ve learned these past few months from those who support him is that they know we’re telling the truth about him. We’re not breaking any news to them by pointing out all the bad things he’s done. They’re not voting for him because they think he’s a good man.

An overwhelming majority of his supporters have shared with us comments like this one, saying they understand the bad things he's done and continues to do. They’re still voting for him anyway simply because he hates the same people they do.

All the things we consider to be terrible, his supporters find appealing because it’s attacking the same people they hate too. All the things we consider to be a grift, they consider to be a way to help finance their cult leader so he can continue to attack the people they hate.

And all the things we find unconstitutional, they feel is a law worth breaking because while so far, he’s targeting that hatred towards their enemy now, he would obviously never turn his unconstitutional power against them in the future. They truly still believe the election was stolen from them in 2020 and they feel January 6th was justified.

Trump is the textbook definition example of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. That’s what MAGA really means and while you might have seen his followers wearing a slogan like this, saying I’m voting for the felon. We’ve heard from our sources in the Republican Party who tell us, that’s what that slogan means. It means they understand that Trump is a dangerous man but they don’t care because right now, that danger is being directed at the people they hate too.

That is what this election is about. And that’s why I’m asking, who are you voting for? Is it to defend the rights and freedoms of your friends, neighbors, family members, coworkers, and loved ones? Or are you voting for the man you hate or even love simply because he hates the same people you do?

We know for some of you, Tuesday cannot come soon enough. Either you're excited to vote for who you believe in or maybe you're excited to stop seeing political ads everywhere you go. But for those of us who've been here in 2020, we know Tuesday is not the end.

If Kamala Harris wins, there will be legal challenges so we have to make sure she wins in an overwhelming number that cannot be questioned, especially if you live in one of these highly-contested states. If Donald Trump wins, we have to fight like hell to make sure our country survives and we don't give him any power with every legal challenge possible to his every action and every ounce of fight left in our bodies.

This Election Day, please remember to vote. You can find your local polling place and make a plan to vote on November 5th by using the unbiased link below. You can also volunteer on Election Day to drive your neighbors and friends to their polling places to make sure their voices can be heard as well.

Please remember that you must get in line to vote at your polling place during these time frames listed on screen and remember that once you’re in line, please don’t leave until you vote. Even if the polling time expires, stay in line because everyone who gets in line before it closes still has the right to vote before they shut down the polling place.

We’ll be broadcasting all day on Tuesday, November 5th so we look forward to seeing you all then. Finally, after this election, we plan to go back to somewhat of our normal content without talking about Trump or Harris nearly as much. So, I hope many of you who have joined our channel over the past three months will continue to join us in the future. Our team is working hard behind the scenes to make accurate and quality episodes all year long.

In the meantime, please don't forget to vote and please don't forget who you're voting for.



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