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If you're having a hard time right now dealing with anxiety or depression because of something Convicted Felon, Donald Trump has done, here's some tips to help you overcome the next four years.
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As we all know, Convicted Felon Donald Trump has started to enact his Project 2025 plan ever since taking office. In fact, from the 293 objectives listed in his 920 page manifesto published before the election, 82 of them have been completed meaning they're 34% done. If you just look at anti-LGBTQ objectives, they're 67% completed.
But with everything going on, I want you to know that you're not alone. A majority of Americans and the rest of the world absolutely hate Convicted Felon, Donald Trump. A majority of Americans never voted for him and a majority of world leaders won't spend a second in the same room with him.
Second, it's important to take a step back and focus on your mental health every once in a while. That's why we find it best to set boundaries with media consumption. Of course, you should still watch your favorite LGBTQ YouTube shows. But too much of anything can be a bad thing.
One of Trump's top advisors, Steve Bannon said in a recent interview with Frontline, that their main goal is to overwhelm the media with a flood of news every day so Trump's name is everywhere, all the time. He doesn't want you to forget about him for even a second and that's not healthy for anyone.
So, it's important to realize this and counter it by setting time limits every day on checking the news. Try to avoid doomscrolling on social media and then sign off for the day without checking your phone at lunch or dinner to see what the orange man has signed with his tiny hands.
When you do check the news, focus only on credible sources and media outlets rather than the Twitter feed of Nazis like Elon Musk.
We also find it best to categorize everything you consume about him into 3 categories. First are things Trump is doing for an obvious grift. Things like his NFTs, Bibles, Trump coins, watches, and everything else he's doing to get money. These generate massive headlines and a lot of clicks on social media but the only ones buying any of it are MAGA supporters. So, unless you're buying his products, these stories won't affect your wallet.
In fact, I would argue these are good things. The less money MAGA supporters have, the less they can buy or compete with the rest of us. And the poorer they get, maybe they'll need to rely on systems their leader is currently gutting.
Even for the other ways he's making money like Secret Service paying thousands of dollars per night to stay at Mar-a-Lago, it doesn't really affect us. Yes, it's taxpayer money we will all eventually have to pay back but I'd rather the old man spend the next 4 years golfing than in the Oval office signing things. So, yes it's expensive but his laziness might just be the thing that saves our country so let him golf and go to Nascar races as much as he wants.
The second category is for things which have a long legal battle ahead. In the news business, they call this a long-tail news story because it gets a lot of clicks right away but it has an extremely long ending, or "tail", going through the courts.
News outlets are going to clickbait you into stories about things like birthright citizenship which are scary on the surface. But the truth is, organizations like the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and other massive civil rights law firms are going to sue him for virtually every action he takes. Those lawsuits will take months, if not years to go through the court system. And until a decision in court is made, judges put a pause on whatever the action is so they can determine the legality of whatever Trump did.
Plus, if you've been following the court cases, not just the news headlines about them, you'd know Trump's lawyers are being chewed up and spit out of federal courtrooms across the country including by judges Trump appointed during his first term. So, let's not get upset too much at things that will take months or years to even get decided on, and even then, most if not all of them will hopefully fail anyway.
The third category is made up of things that we should worry about a little. This includes things like an illegal immigrant like Elon Musk taking over the presidency from Trump and dissolving major government agencies like USAID. Yes, this should worry us a little but if you've done your research like I have on Project 2025, you'd know that there's a major power play between 3 people right now behind the scenes.
They may publicly shake hands and smile for cameras but Trump hates Elon Musk because Musk is taking all the credit and being called the real president by even MAGA supporters. Trump's ego cannot take someone else getting credit for being president.
And it's obvious Elon hates Trump too. After all, Elon's kid was picking boogers and putting them on Trump's desk while telling Donald "You're not the president and you need to go away...Shut your mouth." Four-year-olds don't just say things they came up with on their own after thoughtful deliberation. He learned those words from someone and I'm guessing he calls that someone dad.
Vought who wrote Project 2025 for Trump hates Donald Trump and Elon. Keep in mind, while Trump thinks Project 2025 was written for him, it was actually written for the "next conservative administration" so Vought didn't care if Trump was there or not. And the final chapters of Project 2025 make it so Trump does so many illegal things that he gets impeached and JD Vance takes over. So, Trump is currently following a plan Vought wrote to destroy him.
And that Project 2025 plan uses government agencies to get objectives completed and Elon is currently destroying those agencies. This means, Vought's plan only works if Elon stops gutting the government. So, Vought hates Trump and Elon Musk.
It is the dumbest power play between 3 egomaniacs we've ever seen. And while some things are bad news, this power play between the 3 of them will be their downfall because billionaires fighting amongst themselves means they have less time to fight us.
I'm not saying don't worry about anything but when you put things into these 3 categories, at the very least you can focus on what actually matters the most and we'll give you some tips here in a minute to help you focus on them.
But next up, replace the time you'd normally spend checking the news every second of every day with fun activities like reading books from your favorite author, spending time with loved ones without talking about He-who-must-not-be-named at the dinner table, and going out to enjoy nature at a local park. In other words, do something to get your mind off of politics.
If your family constantly talks about him, try to steer the conversation to something else. Trust me that parents complain all the time about kids not sharing how their day in school was so tell them about what you learned in school rather than just saying "it was fine brah". And I know I look too old to say "bro" but don't be salty, I can still yeet a few dope bars cuz I'm still the low-key GOAT. And my team tells me that sentence makes sense so here's hoping the internet is kind.
Anyway, share with your family how work is going and funny stories of how your friends are doing or customers who made your day a nightmare. The world is a big place and we all must learn to live outside of Trump's orbit.
If you see something you really care about being targeted and it fits into the 3rd of those categories we should worry a little about, focus on an aspect you can control. Maybe volunteer your time supporting a cause that aligns with your values or takes over for things he's cutting. If you don't like Trump banning certain words from being used, volunteer for a local library to help more kids read or a non-profit publishing news.
If you're upset he's cutting funding for schools, donate your time to a community center so you can bring education to kids in other ways. If you're able and want to help the LGBTQ community, volunteer for a local LGBTQ organization or apply to volunteer for the Trevor Project crisis intervention hotline.
We have a whole video to help with anxiety and depression but every once in a while, take a step back and focus on self-care. Do deep breathing exercises, get regular physical activity, meditate, spend time in nature, or jump head-first into your favorite hobbies.
I know it might sound like an AA meeting but the first step is to admit you have a problem. I'm not saying you should start drinking or drink until Trump starts to look handsome - trust me, there's not enough alcohol in the world for that, even for Trump’s not-so-secret crush, Ivanka. But acknowledge how you feel. Write down your feelings in a journal. Name the feelings you're having instead of skipping past them. Remind yourself that it's okay to feel overwhelmed, and try some exercises to stay present and regulate stress.
If that doesn't work, talk to a licensed therapist who might be able to help you more on an individual basis. I'm not saying it should be your first move when you feel any anxiety but it's okay to not feel okay all the time. We all need some help every so often and going to a licensed therapist or psychiatrist is no different than going to your family doctor for a yearly checkup. Your brain needs the same kind of care sometimes, especially in the next 4 years.
For your own mental health, we suggest to block every one that you wasted time with. I know how easy it is to sit in the comment section of a local news article about something going on and try to convince someone wearing a red hat that it's Trump's fault. But if you notice, they keep asking you for your sources. You provide them, they don't read the source and they continue to dig in further. When that fails, they call you names and talk about your appearance.
When you try to refocus the conversation on how it's Trump's fault, they will do everything possible to blame everything else or blame the democrats who were in power 10 years ago because admitting Trump is to blame means they were to blame in voting for him. In human psychology, one thing is harder for humans than anything else and that is to admit they were wrong about anything, especially something this big. So, they try to tear you down and waste a lot of time. Because admitting they were lied to means they would have to admit they were gullible enough to fall for it.
As someone who has spent hours in comment sections trying to convince people, trust me when I say it's not worth it. Either the person you're trying to convince is a Russian propaganda worker trying to spread fear and misinformation. And trust me, there are millions of social media accounts run by such Russian agencies. Or it's a genuine American who will never admit they were wrong about Trump so you're never going to get the "ahh-ha" moment you're waiting for.
MAGAts are not worth your time no matter if they're members of your family, friends, classmates, coworkers, or random strangers on the internet. Life is too short to waste half of it fighting with people who not only don't care about facts, but let's not forget the main reason they voted for Trump was to hurt their enemies.
Every time we post a story about something terrible Trump did, we get people from around the world who see the threat for what it is. But in all of my years doing this show, I've never seen a MAGA supporter trying to convince me that Trump's anti-gay policy was good for the gay community. Every single time they come to our videos, they're laughing and they're genuinely happy at how upset we are. So, you're never going to convince someone that something is horrible when they're too busy laughing at how upset it got you.
For the next 4 years or however long he old man is alive, I think he genuinely will have this hold on America of being a god to some folks who, let's be honest, needed a role model to look up to. They were already rasist, homophobic, and outright hateful people who spent half their life clinging onto the losing army's flag from the civil war and the other half fighting for lower estate taxes while living in poverty. They're convinced billionaires are looking out for them and billionaires must be brilliant while at the same time complaining about evil corporations making their workers pee in bottles to get packages out faster.
These were already hateful people who hid who they were in a closet for a long time. Someone came along and showed them that it was okay to be hateful in public and they all came out of the closet one by one. And I know some will call it trendy to be a MAGAt but it's truly something they were deep down inside all along.
While those people are going to ingest his every word as gospel, call him Jesus, and worship the ground he walks on, even the Pope of the church Trump supposedly belongs to hates his guts. So, don't give him the satisfaction of being in your mind 24/7. He's just not that important of a man-child.
If there’s something you’re afraid of, the truth is he’s probably too dumb to actually enact his plan correctly. Because if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s Trump being stupid. Remember, he’s the one who went to India to talk about their issues with China and told the Indian Prime Minister at least India doesn’t share a border with China. I guess the 2,100 mile border they share doesn’t count.
And when he visited the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, which still has the bodies of soldiers who died inside of it, Trump genuinely didnt know what war Pearl Harbor was a part of. I mean, it’s only basic US history from just 5 years before Trump was born. My point is, he’s stupid but his team is only sometimes stupid.
Sometimes we need to volunteer and help out to counter something he did. But most times, take a page from a four year-old who put boogers on Trump's desk and tell the Convicted Felon, "You're not the president and you need to go away...Shut your mouth."